
Personality Disorders – Cluster A


Q. 1

Suspiciousness is a characteristic feature of ‑


Paranoid personality disorder


Schizoid personality disorder


Schizotypal personality disorder


Anankastic personality disorder

Q. 1

Suspiciousness is a characteristic feature of ‑


Paranoid personality disorder


Schizoid personality disorder


Schizotypal personality disorder


Anankastic personality disorder

Ans. A


Ans. is ‘a’ i.e., Paranoid personality disorder 

Paranoid personality disorder 

  • It is characterized by generalised mistrust and Suspiciousness about the motives and actions of others and a tendency to interpret them as malevolent. The patient believes that :- 
  1. Others are exploiting or deceiving the person.
  2. Friends are untrustworthy and not loyal.
  3. The spouse/partner is unfaithful.
  4. There is hidden meaning in neutral or friendly remarks.
  5. Many patients have feeling of self-importance and think they are unusually talented

Q. 2

A person who is shy, emotionally cold, shunning close relationships, introspective and prefers solitary activities, resides alone. There are no delusions and hallucinations. Which personality disorder is he likely to be classified into?


Schizoid personality disorder


Paranoid personality disorder


Emotionally unstable personality disorder


Antisocial personality disorder

Q. 2

A person who is shy, emotionally cold, shunning close relationships, introspective and prefers solitary activities, resides alone. There are no delusions and hallucinations. Which personality disorder is he likely to be classified into?


Schizoid personality disorder


Paranoid personality disorder


Emotionally unstable personality disorder


Antisocial personality disorder

Ans. A


Ans. A: Schizoid personality disorder

Ref Complete review of psychiatry by Dr. Prashant Agrawal, ed., 2018, ch – 14, pg. 280

Personality disorders are organized into three “clusters” in both the DSM-IVTR and DSM-5.

The “cluster A” personality disorders include:

  • Schizotypal Personality Disorder
  • Paranoid Personality Disorder
  • Schizoid Personalitv Disorder 

Schizoid Personalitv Disorder:

  • 2 striking features.
  • Lack of interpersonal relationships and the lack ofdesire to obtain such relationships .
  • Presence of ‘negative symptoms’in the absence of psychotic- like cogritive and perceptual distortions.

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