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MCQ – 89036


A 2-day old neonate develops these skin lesions on the chest and abdomen with a normal antenatal and natal history. The baby is feeding adequately with no significant weight loss and there is no history of fever. How do you best describe these skin lesions:

A. Milia

Erythema toxicum


Erythema Marginatum


Erythema Nodosum

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Correct Answer � B


Ans. B. Erythema Toxicum

Erythema toxicum neonatorum presents as 

erythematous irregular blotchy flea-bitten rashes in the first 2 weeks of life. It is very common and is almost seen in 30-70% of normal neonates. It is thought to be an immune-mediated dysregulated inflammation with eosinophilic infiltration in the epidermal layers of the skin. Does not require any treatment as they spontaneously resolve within 2 weeks.

Milia are physiological keratin-filled cysts due to blocked eccrine glands appearing as whitish/yellowish pustules. These are also referred to as Epstein pearls

Erythema marginatum is seen in acute rheumatic fever

Erythema nodosum presents as acute reddish tender nodules on the shins, usually in older children and adults.

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