
Erb’s Paralysis


Q. 1

In injury to upper trunk of the brachial plexus following is/are seen:


Supination of forearm


Pronation of forearm


Inability to initiate abduction of shoulder


b & c

Q. 1

In injury to upper trunk of the brachial plexus following is/are seen:


Supination of forearm


Pronation of forearm


Inability to initiate abduction of shoulder


b & c

Ans. D


B i.e. Pronation of forearm; C i.e. Inability to initiate abduction of shoulder

Erb’s palsy presents with policeman or porter or waiter’s tip deformityQ i.e. adducted & medially rotated arm; and pronated & extended forearmafter injury to upper C5 & C6 roots of brachial plexusQ usually following blow or fall on shoulder and deliveni (i.e. excessive displacement of head to opposite side & depression of shoulder on same side causing avulsion of upper roots of brachial plexus) leading to paralysis of MusculocutaneousQ, AxillaryQ, Nerve to SubclaviusQ, & Suprascapular nerveQ (Mnemonic – “MANS”)

Nerve root supply of both brachioradialis & coracobrachialis is C5 6 7. But the brachioradialis is supplied by radial nerve and coracobrachialis by musculo cutaneous nerve. As in Erb’s paralysis (tearing of C5, C6 roots) mainly damaged nerves are – musculo cutaneous, axillary, suprascapular & nerve to subclavius. My answer of choice is brachioradialis.

Klumpke’s paralysis occurs due to injury to lower trunk (mainly T1 & partly C8) of brachial plexusQ leading to, homer’s syndromeQ, claw hand & cutaneous anesthesia in narrow zone along ulnar nerve.

Q. 2

Which of the following deformity is evident in case of erbs palsy?


Policeman tip deformity


Winging of scapula


Claw hand


Wrist drop

Q. 2

Which of the following deformity is evident in case of erbs palsy?


Policeman tip deformity


Winging of scapula


Claw hand


Wrist drop

Ans. A


Ans. is ‘a’ i.e., Policeman tip deformity

Q. 3

Upper limb deformity in Erb’s palsy?


Addduction and lateral rotation of arm


Addduction and medial rotation of arm


Abdduction and lateral rotation of arm


Abdduction and medial rotation of arm

Q. 3

Upper limb deformity in Erb’s palsy?


Addduction and lateral rotation of arm


Addduction and medial rotation of arm


Abdduction and lateral rotation of arm


Abdduction and medial rotation of arm

Ans. B


Deformity in Erb’s palsy (position of the limb):

  • Arm: Hanges by the side; it is adducted & medially rotated
  • Forearm: Extended and pronated
  • The deformity is known as ‘policeman’s’ tip hand or ‘porter’s tip hand’

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