
Laryngo-tracheo-bronchial foreign bodies

Laryngo-tracheo-bronchial foreign bodies

Laryngo-tracheo-bronchial foreign bodies LARYNGO-TRACHEAL-BRONCHIAL FOREIGN BODIES CLINICAL FEATURES OF LARYNGO-TRACHEAL-BRONCHIAL FOREIGN BODIES Foreign body inhalation is most common cause of acute collapse with peak age incedence in 1-2 years. Infants and toddlers use their mouths to explore their surroundings. So, they are very prone to aspirate a foreign body. The most common age group is […]

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Laryngo-tracheo-bronchial foreign bodies

Laryngo-tracheo-bronchial foreign bodies Q. 1 For foreign body causing sudden choking, most appropriate first line of management is?  A Tracheostomy  B Heimlich maneuver  C Airway insertion  D Laryngoscopy Q. 1 For foreign body causing sudden choking, most appropriate first line of management is?  A Tracheostomy  B Heimlich maneuver  C Airway insertion  D Laryngoscopy Ans. B

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